Here's what I've been working on in the last year:
- Solaris Zones and Containers
- Solaris Zetabyte File system (ZFS)
- GNU Screen
- Ruby
- More Perl LDAP programming
- More Perl programming in general
- Rakudo (a Perl 6 distro)
- PUGS (another Perl 6 distro)
- SQLite3 and Perl
- RCS (Revision Control System)
- Solaris LDOMs (need a lab experiment)
- See how ZFS is implemented under other OS's (e.g. FreeBSD)
- Use More Ruby! (and I'm looking at a Rails book from the library)
- Juniper's JunOS (I like the XML and the idea of scripting with Perl)
- MORE Rakudo!! (Not so much Pugs) I hope to contribute bug reports
- Sun's Dtrace (especially using Perl and Dtrace)
- Xen and Linux - need a lab experiment
- Btrfs - Linux's answer to ZFS? Need to explore in a lab.
- Lots more SQLite (I really like that tool)
- Python (Because Zope runs on it!)
- Plone (runs on Zope)
- C - need to refreshen my C programming skills - getting rusty
- Java
- Command line Sun VirtualBox
- I'm sure there's a few more...
I'm pretty excited about my list (above) and do as much reading and experimenting as time permits. It sure seems to me that I'm learning new stuff - Well, I'm learning things that interest me. I guess because non-Windows things don't interest some I guess it appears that I'm not learning anything (that interests them). Oh well. Can't please everyone and I stopped trying long ago.