Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bitten by an old "bug"?

So thankful to find brian d foy's post about LWP::Protocol::https yesterday after some really old scripts just wouldn't work on a new system.  I could tell it was having an issue with the https - but, like Brian (in 2011?!) I thought all of my usual SSL libraries would cover it (which they did).  Installing all of my modules takes about an hour.  So, I continued to flail during this time.  By the time I saw Brian's post, the problem fixed itself (after I installed my own CPAN favorites).

Not knowing my cluster of favorite CPAN modules had fixed this, I quickly did a "install  LWP::Protocol::https" to which cpan replied "installed and already up to date".  "So why isn't it working?!", I thought.  I tried again and it was.

So, to recap, if you plan on using "LWP::Simple qw(getstore)" to grab something from a HTTPS web site and you get a error 501 - this is what you need to fix your problem: LWP::Protocol::https (which was split out in 2011 and I evidently missed the memo).